
The club is a great way for all HR enthusiasts to come forward and share their thoughts about the newest HR trends, to delve deeper into the vast field of HR knowledge, and to uphold and preserve the ideals of human resource management—all while giving the students more exposure to the field. The main goal is to develop future HR professionals into highly intelligent individuals who pursue excellence while upholding moral principles.

HR Club Activities

1. Motivational and Education Based Movie

The HR Club of Department of Business Management, CT Institute of Engineering, Management & Technology, Shahpur organized “Motivational and Education Based Movie” on “7 August,2023” for all the students of Management Department at CTIEMT Seminar Hall.

2. Effective Communication Skills

The Finance Club of Department of Business Management, CT Institute of Engineering Management & Technology, Shahpur organised “Live Budget Session” on “1 Feb, 2024” for all the students of Management Department at CTIEMT, Seminar Hall.

3. Extempore Competition

The HR Club of Department of Business Management, CTIEMT, Shahpur Campus organised an extempore competition in the month of March 2022. The aim of event was to enhance confidence and knowledge of the students about various contemporary topics. Theme of the extempore speech was “The World’s Economy Booster”.

4. Motivational Movie 12th Fail

The HR Club of Department of Business Management, CT Institute of Engineering, Management & Technology, Shahpur organized event “Motivational Movie 12th Fail” on “9 February, 2024” for all the students of Management Department at CTIEMT Seminar Hall.