
Students can showcase their skills in computer science and engineering and get information and experience in the subject by joining the CSE Club. Members of the club are exposed to the newest advancements in computer technology. The main objective of the CSE club is to enhance students' technical proficiency, leadership abilities, and teamwork skills in order to encourage extracurricular activity participation. It also seeks to increase public understanding of the broad implications of engineering and to introduce students to the technical world through a range of activities, including technical and non-technical seminars and workshops.

CSE Club Activities

1. A Star Algorithm for Game Search in Artificial Intelligence

The CSE Club of Department of Computer Science Engineering, CT Institute of Engineering Management & Technology, Shahpur organised “A Star Algorithm for Game Search in Artificial Intelligence” on 25th of January 2024. Students learned how the A Star Algorithm works for solving AI search problems.

2. Sentiment Analysis using Machine Learning

The CSE Club of Department of Computer Science Engineering, CT Institute of Engineering Management & Technology, Shahpur organised “Sentiment Analysis using Machine Learning” on 23th of January 2024. Students learned how the machine learning algorithms have taken into account various methods to perform sentiment analysis.

3. Debate on Impact of AI

The CSE Club of Department of Computer Science Engineering, CT Institute of Engineering Management & Technology, Shahpur organised “Debate on Impact of AI” on 24th of January 2024. Participants Learned about AI and Impact of AI.

4. Technical Dumbsharas

The CSE Club of Department of Computer Science Engineering, CT Institute of Engineering Management & Technology, Shahpur organised “Technical Dumbsharas” on 25th of January 2024. Participants were made familiar with latest technical terms.

5. Quiz on Concept Of OOPS

The CSE Club of Department of Computer Science Engineering, CT Institute of Engineering Management & Technology, Shahpur organised “Quiz on Concept of OOPS” on 11th of October 2023. Participants Learned about Concept of OOPS.